Ville Hermanni Valo
the hottest lead singer ever.
amazing lyrics/voice.
him rocks!
“omg that dude is such a ville valo!”
one of the most creative men in the in industry.
valo will bring the music industry to its knees.
he is a man that makes me thank g-d that i live in helsinki. not too far away him either… the ultimate definition for the words “divine” and “s-xy”– there is just no one as amazing walking on earth. and he’s modest, too. wow.
we are so young/ our lives have just begun/ but already we are considering escape from this world/ and we’ve waited for so long/ for this moment to come/ we’re so anxious to be together/ together indeed/ baby join me in death…
hmmmm…s-xy,very creative,best songwriter ever,best voice ever,best looking guy ever
ville valo:an amazing person!!
keep on rockin
hmmmm where do i start? there would be no point of this world without ville on it. life wouldnt be worth living without ville. his beautiful finnish accent and his amazing lyrics are definately worth living for to hear his talent coming from your own sterio is amazing. i love him so much……..<3
im happy that villes happy with jonna but im really jealous coz i love him 🙁
any him fans feel free to add me [email protected] (especially if your a ville or bam lookalike or if you are ville or bam lol, i should be sooo lucky.) i love you ville -hugs and kisses ville-
ville amazes me and my heart will never stop loving him ........<3
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