a short, tan girl who has the body of an angel. she’d willingly listen to you rant about your problems deep into the night and help you through. she looks good with both long and short hair and can pull off any look she tries. the first thing you should know about her is that she is real. she’s legit. don’t screw with her, because she will make you hurt.
“what happened to you?”
“i p-ssed of viviantina last night. didn’t go so well.”
“aw, she’s so nice, though!”
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stands for v-g-n- mc vine stein (jus like in harold and k-mar go to whitecastle) designates a person who is being a wussy (yes by that i mean a coward)and who s always b-tching about random stuff. stop being such a vmvs and show us ur w-lly !
- vorber
a sprawling group of dysfunctional mountain bikers pr-ne to spending to much time on vorb web – a new zealand mountain bike website. there’s 80 vorbers online right now and it’s a sunny day – why aren’t the lazy -sses riding? 3 more definitions 1. regular visitor to the website vorb 2. the sort of […]
stands for “version originale sous-t-trée en français” which means “original version (i.e. not dubbed) with french subt-tles”. often added to video file names. sometimes you can also see “vostfrench”, probably to make it clearer for non-frenchmen. just “vost” can also be used if it’s clear that they’re french subt-tles (and not for example english subt-tles […]
- Vote for changer
a die-hard conservative (after the uk conservative party slogan in 2010). he thinks women should stay home with the babies and all immigrants should be kicked out of the country. he’s a real vote for changer.
- voyant
a liquor that is not boyant. “tiffany shannon, why did you drop the voyant, dammit you fine azz hoe cheerleader that sh-t ain’t boyant. now that sh-t will stick to toes and flip-flops of the other hoes.” 1 more definition . a liquor drinky drink that tastes like ginger bread men and chi. 2. frequently […]