in the context of an online flight simulator: to shoot and kill a plane attempting to take off on the runway.
this was likely derived from players circling an enemy airfield like vulchers once anti-aircraft defences were destroyed.
this can ultimately be considered the “original” online gaming slang definition, owing its roots to the very first graphicly based m-ssively multiplayer online game, air warrior in the late 1980’s.
i tried to take off but they vulched me!
7 more definitions
verb: to vulch – vulching, vulched: the act, or process, of acting like a vulture.
there’s another con vulching that guy.
for a cat, to sit near a person eating a meal with body language suggestive of a vulture waiting for something to die, esp. if done from a higher vantage point.
i didn’t dare leave the table before finishing my ribs, because my three cats were vulching nearby.
verb: to steal a person’s food without them noticing.
guy 1: dude, i just vulched from that guy over there. he has no idea what just happened.
guy 2: awesome!
to eat leftovers, especially those of others
“are you going to eat that?”
“no, i’m done. would you like to vulch?”
in the context of an online flight simulator: to shoot and kill a plane attempting to take off on the runway.
this was likely derived from players circling an enemy airfield like vulchers once anti-aircraft defences were destroyed.
this can ultimately be considered the “original” online gaming slang definition, owing its roots to the very first graphicly based m-ssively multiplayer online game, air warrior in the late 1980’s.
i tried to take off but they vulched me!
an original subsp-ce term meaning to get shot in the back while fighting. often used by “hunters” chasing “turrets” or a single player caught off guard. vulch is a wide term used to describe behavior of the weak subsp-ce pilot.
i was fighting that 300bty and you f-cking vulched me, newb!
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