wake up
phrase typically used by conspiracy theorists to imply you’re ignorant.
“man you know who brought down the trade centers. wake up.”
“wake up. the rothschilds control the world’s banking supply. oh, and reptilians.”
translates to “are you there”, “h-llo?”
(22:50:24) alan huang: wake up
(22:50:35) mich-lle wu: wut
(22:50:36) mich-lle wu: im not sleeping
(22:50:37) mich-lle wu: lol
(22:51:31) alan huang: i know
(22:51:33) alan huang: its a figur eof speech
get with it, pay attention, get on top of things.
you forgot to do your math homework? you gotta wake up doug.
the act of waking someone up by first jumping on them then dry humping them the rolling them over twice and their grabbing their feet and dropping them on their head and the repeating ocssionaly hitting / grabing the persons genitals or -ss
the you boy would not get up so the other boy had to wake up him.
typically -ssociated with the chemical name methamphetamine, wak eup is a street term coined in 2005 by a group of oriental men working in a chinese buffet-style restaurant. the men had been cooking meth in the bas-m-nt of the restaurant and distributing it to buyers via the buffet clams that n-body touched anyways. peking garden’s famous wak eup not only satisfied a few sea food lover’s appet-tes, but also provided over 1000 people with pure methamphetamines (and ultimately made them scratch all of their skin off and have really bad teeth)
i need my f-cking wak eup fix. now!
dude, hit up peking garden and get the general tso’s and a lil’ bit of that wak eup.
let’s go take some wak eup
i could use me a good wak eup
verb: when you open your eyes after sleeping.
“wake up, you are going to be late for school”
poorly applied or unnatural looking make-up on an elderly womans face that resembles make-up seen on a dead person at their wake.
did you see that nice wake-up application on that old lady?
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