to be unknowingly roped into a position of responsibility for and indefinite period of time.
oh man, why did i just agree to a graveyard shift?
you’ve just been walkered.
i was going to get off my face but i got walkered into being a safety officer.
turns out i’m competent at my job, so i got walkered.
to be belligerently drunk to the point where one is unable to keep their balance or walk. entering the state of “walkered” can be the result of over consumption of alcohol but most likely due to the consumption of three black fly coolers.
“man, alex was so walkered last night that we had to carry her back to her room!”
“yo! lets get super walkered tonight after our exam!”
to walker something is to not finish a drink or food item.
that man walkered his beer last night.
new term for defeat due to -ssociation with gov. scott walker of wisconsin.
jeff stone got walkered tonight in milwaukee. he lost the race for county exec.
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noun 1. a fail several orders of magnitude greater than an epic fail. reserved for only the most mind-bogglingly stupid acts a human is capable of. raises (or lowers) the bar for fail, setting a new standard. a person who commits an exponential fail, unless the hand of g-d is involved somehow, likely does not […]
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