a total utter horrendously rubbish disgusting girl with a cr-p att-tude who is a waste of air
don’t moan at me you absolute horrendous piece of rig. you’re just a wasteb-tch fam
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very nearly deadstock. worn very casually and worn no more than 2 times lightly. “up for auction are some vnds nike air jordan’s in a size 10, they have been worn. although, they show no obvious sign’s of wear.” visual novel ds visual novel ds is a homebrew for nintendo ds to run visual novel […]
- Watkins
to gank, pilfer, filch, or purloin related to: mooch priggish pr-ck watkinsed my thumb drive! i’m gonna watkins this sh-t! that dude is always watkinsing computers from work, i’ve seen him with at least four laptops… 1- an unnecessary 5 minute – 1 hour break. 2- a stupid action 3- anything negative 1- “i hate […]
noyfb: acronym standing for none of your f-cking business. usually used in chat rooms by females in response to constant asl requests from h-rny teenage boys. 1337hax0r: any 1 4 cyber??? ch1ck1e: no thanks. 1337hax0r: a/s/l smacktard: asl b1gd1ck: asl 1337hax0r: where da h-rny chicks??? smacktard: asl 1337hax0r: a/s/l pleeze ;p b1gd1ck: asl smacktard: asl […]
aussie born korean. looks like an asian but when u talk to him u realised its a bogan. dude: hey azn dude azn: howyadoin maite dude: wtf? ur aussie abk ayeee azn: blooody oath another sorry escuse for rap music. an overweight, lazy, stoner, insecure looking rapper who paint’s his face and does what ever […]
- vaginager
a word used to describe the acidic taste from a womens v-g-n-. it is comparable to putting your tongue on a 9 volt battery. when i went down on her the v-g-n-ger was so strong i had to stop.