wee soh(south texas spanish slang)weso-an individual with cowardly manurisms.(1)one whom is quick to rat out a friend or someone who is constantly intimidated (punked)for running their mouth.(2)an individal who often lies to make themselves seem popular or important.(3)spreads lies to start trouble for others.(4)one who starts confrontation over the phone/internet etc. yet quickly denies any wrong doing when confronted.or stands down or hides behind others or police in order to avoid trouble they brought on themselves.(5)or an individual who can’t fight for themselves.always needs back up.
needs to out number their opponent w/a large group of other people.one quick to start sh-t w/ another person because the (weso)has a weapon; such as a gun,gang,or other to defend them.usally preying on the innocent,weak or someone who is w/ their family or child/ren who is in no position to confront the weso because of the security of their family,etc.(6)no b-lls.(7)malicious.one who likes to get others in trouble at school, w/the law,etc just for sh-ts and giggles.
can also be used to describe a female with the same personality traits.i.e. wesa wee sah
(1)all of the above
(2)a b-tch who purposly gets pregnaunt for the sole purpose of collecting welfare/child support or other government funding.
f-ck you weso.
josh is a weso.
dinas’ a f-ckin wesa.
only a weso would do some ho -ss sh-t like that.
come here weso
(if you can’t figure it out by out you’re a f-ckin weso)
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