What’s Gucci?

asking someone what they are up to. exactly the same thing as “what’s up?”
“ay man, what’s gucci?
“not much mane, jus chillen.”
what’s gucci is another catch phrase for what’s up. whats good; what’s real;
those chicks right there are not whats gucci.

what’s gucci son ?
derived from the original rapper “gucci mang”. the term “whats gucci” can be used to replace : whats up, how are you, or what are you doing today. it is a very hood term and is mostly used by tall skinny black kids.
-hey man whats up?
-nuthin at all bro, whats gucci wit you?
what’s gucci means what’s up, what’s the news, what’s happening, what happened etc.
yo what’s gucci? i haven’t seen you in a minute.

what’s gucci with you?
what’s gucci means like what’s up or what’s good
mark ; “what’s gewd? … what’s gucci?”
sibonay ; ‘chocolate, food, candy’

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