v. meaning to partake in s-xual intercourse.
i just made whoopi to her.
a hipster that wears a yellow american apparel hoodie, carries a dslr, and skips/hops/dances to songs by justice and the black kids.
the whoopi often makes the noise “weeewhooo!!” when excited!
1. i saw
1. an ejaculatory utterance to express exuberance.
2. boisterous convivial fun, e.g. s-xual play or relations, used frequently when old people f-ck.
3. a named cushion that makes a sound like a fart when sat upon.
4. the base unit of stink olfaction. one whoopi is roughly equal to 300 times the smell of dead skunk, or 183 hobo units. likened to old wet hairy burning -ss, it has been described as the smell of whoopi goldberg herself on a humid august day.
ohmygod you smell so whoopi
a large, juicy, deep, stinky fart.
travis made the biggest whoopi in kevin’s room.
a joke that is made in a vain attempt at being funny, but really just makes people very sad.
oh, sh-t, man. that’s not funny. you just pulled a whoopi.
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