wind your neck in
given as advice to someone you you’d like to sit down and shut up, whilst also pointing out that they are wrong.
dave, we’ve missed our exit thanks to your sh-t map reading, adding 20 miles to our journey, so wind your f-cking neck in.
a phrase that is frequently used by police officers in the united kingdom
john: you f-cking b-st-rd, why are you arresting me? i haven’t even done anything wrong, bla bla bla
pc plod: wind your neck in
1. someone getting very c-cky and needing to be told to calm down.
2. a fat c-nt with a m-ssive neck needing telling that his neck’s f-cking m-ssive
1 – “paddy youve been mouthing off all f-cking day, so you best wind your neck in before i smash your face through the back of your b-st-rd head”
2 – “paddy you fat c-nt, lose some f-cking weight and get your neck wound in”
jackson you are being a muppet, sit back down and continue to be average
oi jacko wind your neck in, or i’ll be in there to give you a dry slap
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