Witch King
the witch king of angmar. an extremely bad-ss villain from the lord of the rings: return of the king. he is the lord of the nazgul, greatest of the nine, in gandalf’s words. flies around on a creature that kills gondorian soldiers like they’re ants. when on the ground, holds a huge–ss mace in one hand and a sword in the other. leads the armies of sauron to war. has a bad-ss image which is damaged when a woman (eowyn from rohan) kills him after giving a one-liner.
do not come between a nazgul and his prey.
fool, no man can kill me!
i am no man!
leader of the nine ringwraiths in the lord of the rings series, was once a king of men, and resides in minas morgul.
awwww sh-t dawg eowyn just stabbed witchking in the face!
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