what u doin
mary: “hey john wud?”
john: “nm, wbu?”
what u doing? (what you doing?)
what u doing. abbreviation of what u doing.
dude what u doing??
yo wud
what u doing?
as used in text messaging.
“wud tonight?” or simply “wud?”
what you doing?
hey, how are you ?
good thanks, you?
yeah i’m good thanks, wud?
not much really
(wuhd) additionally used as an onomatopoeia for stroking a fully erect p-n-s, specifically by members of the pointlesswasteoftime.com forums.
see also: fap,unf
yeah, and then i followed that link you posted and i was like omg!
wud wud wud wud wud
wud rhymes with bud, mud and flood. it doesn’t rhyme with wood, should or could.
wud is a regular verb. to wud is to do your thing your way without the adverse influence of direct external interference.
wud has been considered an acronym, standing for the wud union of devon.
refer to:
people of low moral fort-tude. the type of character who could not be trusted in any way.
jesus, that wud would steal the lead of a church roof and sell it back to the preist
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