
an internet club where they parody games with mlg stuff, this is written by an 11-year-old 🙂
yo join yoloswagclub bro

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  • block banger

    someone who talks sh-t in person while in their own safety. john talked sh-t to bob while he was in the car driving away or johnny was talking sh-t to billy while he was few feet away and running away at the same time. these types of people are known as block bangers

  • major bae

    really nice and close friend. rico is such a major bae! he bought me bubble tea when i mentioned that as a joke!

  • ralph david

    is a black boy from africa and hates being alive his only hope before death is to kill every single girl on earth and feed thear bodys to dogs girl1:ahhh its ralph david run

  • nicari

    a type of person that love so be around males and she gets really triggered when hears the word “d-ck”. nicari loves grabbing boys -ss.

  • jk don’t cry

    clara lawyer’s trademark phrase when she doesn’t mean to be a b-tch even though she is. you guys are really dumb, jk don’t cry

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