a nickname for the game “punchbowl”
the game has 6 basic rules:
1. bounce bottle caps into a large bowl
2. surround bowl with shots of beer
3. shoot two caps in – pick two people take a shot
4. shoot zero caps in – you take a shot
5. shoot 1 cap in – reverse direction
6. cap lands in shot gl-ss – everyone takes a shot
-note: original game involves step 3 breaking off into 3 shoot-offs between the -ssigned drinkers.
john doe: “hey, wanna snicker in a game of punchbowl?”
jane doe: “oh, that zackadabare game?”
john doe: “yeah, you f-cking heard me right b-tch. don’t mess with the shark, or you’ll get a sharkbite.”
a nickname for the game “punchbowl”
the game has 6 basic rules:
1. bounce bottle caps into a large bowl
2. surround bowl with shots of beer
3. shoot two caps in – pick two people take a shot
4. shoot zero caps in – you take a shot
5. shoot 1 cap in – reverse direction
6. cap lands in shot gl-ss – everyone takes a shot
-note: original game involves step 3 breaking off into 3 shoot-offs between the -ssigned drinkers.
detailed instructins can be found by googling “ghettogame.”
john doe: “hey, wanna snicker in a game of punchbowl?”
jane doe: “oh, that zackadabare game?”
john doe: “yeah, you f-cking heard me right b-tch. don’t mess with the shark, or you’ll get a sharkbite.”
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