a metallic element found combined in , baddeleyite, etc., resembling t-tanium chemically: used in steel metallurgy, as a scavenger, as a refractory, and as an opacifier in vitreous enamels. symbol: zr; atomic weight: 91.22; atomic number: 40; specific gravity: 6.49 at 20°c.
contemporary examples
the other source of vector is the reaction between the zirconium and water.
j-pan nuclear crisis: what is a full meltdown? josh dzieza march 14, 2011
the zirconium alloy will react with water to produce hydrogen and oxide, but it also produces heat that has to be removed.
j-pan nuclear crisis: what is a full meltdown? josh dzieza march 14, 2011
he specialized in research and development in zirconium products, and allegedly had distant ties to iran.
plot thickens in grisly french alps murders barbie latza nadeau october 28, 2012
historical examples
a lamp-filament of t-tanium and zirconium with electric lamps or with alloys?
the cl-ssification of patents united states patent office
the use of zirconium has been in an experimental state, and known sources of supply have been ample for all requirements.
the economic aspect of geology c. k. leith
zirconium chlorid has an astringent taste, and if fed repeatedly will cause the metallic astringent action.
barium, a cause of the loco-weed disease albert cornelius crawford
zirconium, a metallic element often found in connection with silica, commonly in the form of a black powder.
the nuttall encyclopaedia edited by rev. james wood
on the prolonged boiling of the filtrate, the oxide of t-tanium (and oxide of zirconium, if any) is precipitated.
a textbook of -ssaying: for the use of those connected with mines. cornelius beringer and john jacob beringer
in addition davy antic-p-ted the isolation of silicon, aluminium, and zirconium.
an introduction to the history of science walter libby
the chief bulk of the zirconium is found in the aqueous solution in the state of double fluorides.
scientific american supplement, no. 441, june 14, 1884. various
a greyish-white metallic element, occurring chiefly in zircon, that is exceptionally corrosion-resistant and has low neutron absorption. it is used as a coating in nuclear and chemical plants, as a deoxidizer in steel, and alloyed with niobium in superconductive magnets. symbol: zr; atomic no: 40; atomic wt: 91.224; valency: 2, 3, or 4; relative density: 6.506; melting pt: 1855±2°c; boiling pt: 4409°c
metallic chemical element, 1808, coined by german chemist and mineralogist martin heinrich klaproth (1743-1817) in 1789; so called because it was found in zircon.
zirconium zir·co·ni·um (zûr-kō’nē-əm)
symbol zr
a strong ductile metallic element obtained primarily from zircon. atomic number 40; atomic weight 91.22; melting point 1,855°c; boiling point 4,409°c; specific gravity 6.51 (20°c); valence 2, 3, 4.
symbol zr
a shiny, grayish-white metallic element that occurs primarily in zircon. it is used to build nuclear reactors because of its ability to withstand bombardment by neutrons even at high temperatures. zirconium is also highly resistant to corrosion, making it a useful component of pumps, valves, and alloys. atomic number 40; atomic weight 91.22; melting point 1,852°c; boiling point 4,377°c; specific gravity 6.56 (20°c); valence 2, 3, 4. see periodic table.
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