sp-wnholding anime nerd who wears osiris
yo we need to cap b, get zulkur in here
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- 嘲讽
本意为嘲弄讥讽,后因为魔兽世界中战士职业中文译名为“嘲讽”的技能是用来激怒野怪而使之攻击自己的,因此在中文互联网上“嘲讽”现在普遍被用作“挑衅” 玩 dota 2 单杀对方之后,很多人喜欢在聊天框里打一连串的“?”,用来嘲讽对方
- 5 wombo
a terminology in skateboarding which means a far -ss walk to a spot guy 1. “let’s go to alien legde” guy 2. “h-ll nah ! that’s a 5 wombo
- additivologist
a specialist in additive manufacturing. an individual skilled in all aspects of 3d printing from 3d modelling, machine operation and maintenance to printing and post-processing. familiar with all 3d printing technologies, process and materials. you need something 3d printed? no problems. i know and additivologist who can hook you up.
- aggavatin
same as aggravating – used by @mizthick-mmz on instagram. just a more ghetto and ratchet way of saying it. these n-gg- be trifling as f-ck hahahahahahaha aggavatin’ hahahaha dont fight the ratchet hahahaha
- akyika
both the weirdest and sweetest people you will ever meet. fun loving and very caring. akyikas always know how to have a good time and make the best of a situation no matter how bad. dave: “man that guy over there is so weird.” alan: “yeah but he is just akyika.”