A and h

accident and health.

Read Also:

  • A and i

    insurance. accident and indemnity.

  • A and m

    agricultural and mechanical (college): texas a and m. also, a&m.

  • A and r

    -ssault and robbery. artists and repertory

  • A and s

    insurance. accident and sickness.

  • A andreevich gromyko

    [groh-mee-koh, gruh-; russian gruh-mi-kuh] /groʊˈmi koʊ, grə-; russian grʌˈmɪ kə/ noun andrei andreevich [uhn-dryey uhn-drye-yi-vyich] /ʌnˈdryeɪ ʌnˈdryɛ yɪ vyɪtʃ/ (show ipa), 1909–89, soviet diplomat: foreign minister 1957–85, president 1985–88. gromyko /russian ɡraˈmikə/ noun andrei andreyevich (anˈdrjej anˈdrjejɪvitʃ). 1909–89, soviet statesman and diplomat; foreign minister (1957–85); president (1985–88)

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