
to free from guilt or blame or their consequences:
the court absolved her of guilt in his death.
to set free or release, as from some duty, obligation, or responsibility (usually followed by from):
to be absolved from one’s oath.
to grant pardon for.

to grant or pr-nounce remission of sins to.
to remit (a sin) by .
to declare (censure, as excommunication) removed.

historical examples

shall we say it is all blasphemy; an impious intrusion upon the prerogatives of the one absolver?
sermons preached at brighton frederick w. robertson

church absolution is an eternal protest, in the name of g-d the absolver, against the false judgments of society.
sermons preached at brighton frederick w. robertson

this presumptuous absolver would make men careless about both.
sermons preached at brighton frederick w. robertson

verb (transitive)
(usually foll by from) to release from blame, sin, punishment, obligation, or responsibility
to pr-nounce not guilty; acquit; pardon

early 15c., from latin absolvere “set free, loosen, acquit,” from ab- “from” (see ab-) + solvere “loosen” (see solve). related: absolved; absolving.

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