
zoology, .
historical examples

it is still more remarkable than the amphioxus or lancelet, which has been long known.
1931: a glance at the twentieth century henry hartshorne

this shows that amphioxus is a comparatively primitive type.
stories of the universe: animal life b. lindsay

in embryology an attempt has been made to compare the origin of the cœlom in amphioxus and in balanoglossus.
the origin of vertebrates walter holbrook gaskell

i remarked that his friend next door had shown me an amphioxus.
the journal of a disappointed man wilhelm nero pilate barbellion

diagrammatic sections of amphioxus in its early stages (founded upon kowalevsky’s observations).
the works of francis maitland balfour, volume iv (of 4) francis maitland balfour

wilson, separation of segmentation spheres of amphioxus egg, 60.
the biological problem of to-day oscar hertwig

the egg of the lowest vertebrate, amphioxus, shows these changes in a simple and apparently primitive form.
the whence and the whither of man john mason tyler

they form the rudiment of the notochord, which, as in amphioxus, is derived from the dorsal wall of the archenteron.
the works of francis maitland balfour, volume iii (of 4) francis maitland balfour

conklin has established the existence of a definite structure in the unfertilized eggs of ascidians, amphioxus, and many molluscs.
the organism as a whole jacques loeb

this cavity is the segmentation cavity equivalent to that present in amphioxus, amphibia, etc.
the works of francis maitland balfour, volume iii (of 4) francis maitland balfour

noun (pl) -oxi (-ˈɒksaɪ), -oxuses
another name for the lancelet
see lancelet.

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