
the science that deals with the origins, physical and cultural development, biological characteristics, and social customs and beliefs of humankind.
the study of human beings’ similarity to and divergence from other animals.
the science of humans and their works.
also called philosophical anthropology. the study of the nature and essence of humankind.
historical examples

so widely distributed and so vast in number, it is well to know what purposes they may serve in anthropologic science.
on limitations to the use of some anthropologic data j. w. powell

besides, this precaution is also a postulate of anthropologic science.
the theories of darwin and their relation to philosophy, religion, and morality rudolf schmid

the world still has its millions of savage inhabitants who do not represent to-day, but anthropologic yesterdays, long past.
the home charlotte perkins gilman

the study of humans, their origins, physical characteristics, inst-tutions, religious beliefs, social relationships, etc see also cultural anthropology, ethnology, physical anthropology, social anthropology

“science of the natural history of man,” 1590s, originally especially of the relation between physiology and psychology, from modern latin anthropologia or coined independently in english from anthropo- + -logy. in aristotle, anthropologos is used literally, as “speaking of man.”

anthropology an·thro·pol·o·gy (ān’thrə-pŏl’ə-jē)
the scientific study of the origin, the behavior, and the physical, social, and cultural development of humans.
an’thro·pol’o·gist n.
the scientific study of humans, especially of their origin, their behavior, and their physical, social, and cultural development.

the scientific study of the origin, development, and varieties of human beings and their societies, particularly so-called primitive societies.

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