
of or relating to sigmund or his doctrines, especially with respect to the causes and treatment of neurotic and psychopathic states, the interpretation of dreams, etc.
a person, especially a psycho-n-lyst, who adheres to the basic doctrines of .
of or relating to sigmund freud or his ideas
a person who follows or believes in the basic ideas of sigmund freud

1910, used at first in a general way for “s-xual,” from name of sigmund freud (1856-1939), austrian psychiatrist. freudian slip first attested 1959.

freudian freud·i·an (froi’dē-ən)
relating to or being in accordance with the psycho-n-lytic theories of sigmund freud. n.
an individual who accepts the tenets of psycho-n-lytic theories of sigmund freud, especially a psychiatrist who applies freudian theory and method in conducting psychotherapy.

pertaining to or agreeing with the theories of sigmund freud.

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