
incontestable because of having been demonstrated or proved to be demonstrable.
logic. (of a proposition) necessarily true or logically certain.
historical examples

to p-ss universal objective judgments, and to do so apodictically, reason must be free from subjective grounds of determination.
a commentary to kant’s ‘critique of pure reason’ norman kemp smith

thus the principle of causality can be apodictically proved as a condition of possible experience.
a commentary to kant’s ‘critique of pure reason’ norman kemp smith


“clearly demonstrated,” 1650s, from latin apodicticus, from greek apodeiktikos, from apodeiktos, verbal adjective of apodeiknynai “to show off, demonstrate,” literally “to point away from” (other objects, at one), from apo “off, away” (see apo-) + deiknynai “to show” (see diction).

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