
anatomy, botany. an outgrowth; process; projection or protuberance.
architecture, .
noun (pl) -ses (-ˌsiːz)
a process, outgrowth, or swelling from part of an animal or plant
(geology) a tapering offshoot from a larger igneous intrusive m-ss

apophysis a·poph·y·sis (ə-pŏf’ĭ-sĭs)
n. pl. a·poph·y·ses (-sēz’)
an outgrowth or projection of an organ or part, especially an outgrowth from a bone that lacks an independent center of ossification.
ap’o·phys’i·al (āp’ə-fĭz’ē-əl) or a·poph’y·se’al (-sē’əl) adj.

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