
free from fever.
historical examples

if febrile symptoms are sufficient to make us regard a disease as general, then there is no local disease, except when apyretic.
north american medical and surgical journal, vol. 2, no. 3, july, 1826 various

apyretic a·py·ret·ic (ā’pī-rět’ĭk, āp’ə-)
having no fever.

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  • Apyrexia

    noun absence of fever historical examples there was apyrexia on the day the attack was due, and this did not return again. new, old, and forgotten remedies: papers by many writers various apyrexia a·py·rex·i·a (ā’pī-rěk’sē-ə, āp’ə-) n. the absence of fever.

  • Aq. comm.

    (in prescriptions) common water.

  • Aq. bull.

    (in prescriptions) boiling water. latin aqua bulliens (boiling water)

  • Aq. dest.

    (in prescriptions) distilled water. latin aqua destillata (distilled water)

  • Aq. ferv.

    (in prescriptions) hot water. latin aqua fervens (hot water)

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