
rhetoric. the omission of conjunctions, as in “he has provided the poor with jobs, with opportunity, with self-respect.”.
library science. the omission of cross references, especially from a catalog.
(of a catalogue or index) without cross references
(of a linguistic construction) having no conjunction, as in i came, i saw, i conquered
noun (pl) -deta (-dɪtə)
the omission of a conjunction between the parts of a sentence
an asyndetic construction compare syndeton

1823; see asyndeton + -ic.

“omission of conjunctions,” 1580s, from latin, from greek asyndeton, neuter of asyndetos “unconnected,” from a-, privative prefix (see a- (3)), + syndetos, from syndein “to bind together,” from syn- “together” + dein “to bind,” related to desmos “band,” from pie -de- “to bind.”

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