Atmospheric electricity

static electricity produced by charged particles in the atmosphere.
historical examples

atmospheric electricity, for example, may perhaps yet be utilized.
scientific american supplement, no. 303 various

franklin was once asked, “what is the use of your discovery of atmospheric electricity?”
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no other question relating to atmospheric electricity has, in recent years, been so much debated as this.
meteorology charles fitzhugh talman

would it act the same with atmospheric electricity as with that in our laboratories?
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he subsequently extended the application of the electrolytic theory to the phenomena of atmospheric electricity.
the new gresham encyclopedia. vol. 1 part 2 various

they are popularly spoken of as thunderbolts, though they have nothing whatever to do with atmospheric electricity.
pioneers of science oliver lodge

however, the phenomena of atmospheric electricity, which have become noticeable since the use of wire, may be described here.
sounding the ocean of air a. lawrence rotch

atmospheric electricity is the free electricity of the air which is almost always present in the atmosphere.
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many electrical conductors should be placed so as to prevent the slow or the rapid effects of atmospheric electricity.
consolations in travel humphrey davy

the same philosopher has likewise contrived to decompose water by atmospheric electricity.
the life of sir humphrey davy, bart. ll.d., volume 1 (of 2) john ayrton paris

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