Axial skeleton

the skeleton of the head and trunk.
historical examples

the pectoral girdle lies external to the ribs, and has no bony attachment to the axial skeleton.
the vertebrate skeleton sidney h. reynolds

the axial skeleton is generally long, and that of the limbs frequently comparatively short, or sometimes absent.
the vertebrate skeleton sidney h. reynolds

this exoskeleton differs from the main or axial skeleton of the higher animals, the latter being inside of the body.
a civic biology george william hunter

the cranium is a compact bony box, forming the anterior expanded portion of the axial skeleton.
the vertebrate skeleton sidney h. reynolds

the axial skeleton includes the vertebral column, the ribs, and the skull.
the vertebrate skeleton sidney h. reynolds

the commencing formation of the cells which form the axial skeleton from the inner (splanchnopleuric) layer of the muscle-plate.
the works of francis maitland balfour, volume iv (of 4) francis maitland balfour

in birds we distinguish between the following regions of the axial skeleton.
encyclopaedia britannica, 11th edition, volume 3, slice 7 various

for further description of the axial skeleton, see hibbard .
a new genus of pennsylvania fish (crossoperygii, coelacanthiformes) from kansas joan echols

the bones that together comprise the skull and the vertebral column

axial skeleton n.
the bones of the head and trunk, excluding the pectoral and pelvic girdles.

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