
a combining form meaning “closed,” “capable of being closed,” used in the formation of compound words:
cleistogamy; cleistothecium.

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    mycology. having cleistothecia. botany. having a closed capsule, as certain mosses.

  • Cleistogamous

    pertaining to or having pollination occurring in unopened flowers. historical examples field book of western wild flowers margaret armstrong darwin and modern science a.c. seward and others the making of species douglas dewar the contemporary review, volume 36, december 1879 various darwin and modern science a.c. seward and others the elements of botany asa gray […]

  • Cleistogamy

    pertaining to or having pollination occurring in unopened flowers. noun self-pollination and fertilization of an unopened flower, as in the flowers of the violet produced in summer compare chasmogamy cleistogamous (klī-stŏg’ə-məs) of or relating to a flower that does not open and is self-pollinated in the bud. the fertile flowers of the violet are inconspicuous […]

  • Cleistothecium

    (in certain ascomycetous fungi) a closed, globose ascocarp from which the ascospores are released only by its rupture or decay. cleistothecium (klī’stə-thē’sē-əm) plural cleistothecia a closed spherical ascocarp, such as the truffle.

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