
a large mollusk of the genus Haliotis, having a bowllike shell bearing a row of respiratory holes, the flesh of which is used for food and the shell for ornament and as a source of mother-of-pearl.
Contemporary Examples

In California, tourists have been pitted against career foragers, causing problems for wild mushrooms and abalone.
The Foraging Wars: Extreme Eating Hits California Debra A. Klein January 30, 2014

Historical Examples

The Haliotis or abalone shells abound in many parts of the world and are widely known for their beauty.
Birds and Nature, Vol. 12 No. 3 [August 1902] Various

The body of the abalone is a mass of muscle that has tremendous strength.
Bert Wilson’s Twin Cylinder Racer J. W. Duffield

There are also beautiful fossils and corals and abalone shells.
Life at Puget Sound: With Sketches of Travel in Washington Territory, British Columbia, Oregon and California Caroline C. Leighton

I insist on knowing; and what was that abalone shell remark?
The Rules of the Game Stewart Edward White

She also hangs wampum or bits of abalone shell on the finest ones.
Stories of California Ella M. Sexton

The habitation deposit consists of loose, ashy dark soil charged with clam and abalone shells, and mammal and bird bones.
The Topanga Culture Final Report on Excavations, 1948 A. E. Treganza

Not another one of us was ever caught in the closing shell of an abalone.
Before Adam Jack London

abalone shell was commonly used by peoples of adjacent California.
A Burial Cave in Baja California William C. Massey

You wade out among the rocks until you catch sight of an abalone.
Bert Wilson’s Twin Cylinder Racer J. W. Duffield

any of various edible marine gastropod molluscs of the genus Haliotis, having an ear-shaped shell that is perforated with a row of respiratory holes. The shells are used for ornament or decoration Also called ear shell See also ormer

type of marine shell, 1850, American English, from Spanish abulon from Costanoan (a California coastal Indian language family) aluan “red abalone.”

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