
Military. a staff officer who assists the commanding officer in issuing orders.
British Military. an executive officer.
an assistant.
Historical Examples

And the adjutant threw his head back and laughed joyously over the retrospect.
Found in the Philippines Charles King

The interrogation, which seemed almost to cover a reproach, irritated the adjutant.
The Snare Rafael Sabatini

The adjutant takes his post, passing to the right of the major.
Infantry Drill Regulations, United States Army, 1911 United States War Department

Yet as they went the adjutant’s eyes raked the ballroom in quest of his wife.
The Snare Rafael Sabatini

The adjutant and myself, bound for the new Headquarters, followed ten minutes later.
Pushed and the Return Push George Herbert Fosdike Nichols, (AKA Quex)

“Ye can always thrash an impudent fellow,” opined the adjutant.
The Snare Rafael Sabatini

In the afternoon the guns were moved by the adjutant of the Brigade into proper intervals, bringing ours into a low, muddy ravine.
An Artilleryman’s Diary Jenkin Lloyd Jones

For many years he was adjutant general of the state of Nebraska.
Personal Recollections of a Cavalryman J. H. (James Harvey) Kidd

The adjutant was opening the latest batch of official envelopes from Divisional Artillery.
Pushed and the Return Push George Herbert Fosdike Nichols, (AKA Quex)

As adjutant my place had been with the colonel at the head of the column.
War from the Inside Frederick L. (Frederick Lyman) Hitchcock

an officer who acts as administrative assistant to a superior officer Abbreviation adjt, adj
short for adjutant bird

“military officer who assists superior officers,” c.1600, from Latin adiutantem (nominative adiutans), present participle of adiutare “to give help to, help zealously, serve,” frequentative of adiuvare (past participle adiutus) “help, assist, aid, support,” from ad- “to” (see ad-) + iuvare “to help, give strength, support,” perhaps from same root as iuvenis “young person” (see young).

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