
consisting of different or various kinds; miscellaneous:
assorted flavors; assorted sizes.
consisting of selected kinds; arranged in sorts or varieties:
rows of assorted vegetables.
matched; suited.
to distribute, place, or arrange according to kind or class; classify; sort.
to furnish with a suitable or variety of goods; make up of articles likely to suit a demand.
Archaic. to group with others of the same or similar kind; connect or identify as of a similar class; associate (usually followed by with).
to agree in sort or kind; be matched or suited.
to associate; consort.
Contemporary Examples

(That infrastructure, by the way, comes with assorted vandalism, obsolescence, and parking logistics issues).
Electric Vehicles May Be the Green Car of the Future, But Hybrids Are the Green Car of the Present Megan McArdle January 23, 2013

When Girls returns the main characters are trying, with varying levels of success, to move on from assorted rock bottoms.
The New Season of ‘Girls’ Is Just Good. Can We Handle That? Kevin Fallon January 8, 2014

There, I have several family photos and assorted old hotel pens I should throw away but never have.
Opening Day 2013: How to Write About Baseball in the Big Leagues Noah Charney March 30, 2013

Each book had a release party in London, attended by assorted members of Blow’s inner circle and extended family.
The War Over Isabella Blow Rebecca Dana November 17, 2010

And of course, there are a few choice pieces of hate mail from the superhero’s assorted nemeses.
Meet the Superhero Vigilantes Winston Ross December 5, 2010

Historical Examples

If you give me another ‘assorted’ to pack,” says I to Ida, “I’ll lie down here on the floor and die.
Working With the Working Woman Cornelia Stratton Parker

There were, indeed, many children of assorted nationalities and sizes.
Mary Rose of Mifflin Frances R. Sterrett

Custom was king of all things, and custom had assorted men in compartments in which they generally stayed.
The Unity of Civilization Various

It is a town of color, due largely to the assorted population.
The Pirate of Panama William MacLeod Raine

Veronica, supported by assorted bedding, made herself comfortable upon the tailboard.
They and I Jerome K. Jerome

consisting of various kinds mixed together; miscellaneous: assorted sweets
arranged in sorts; classified: assorted categories
matched; suited (esp in the combinations well-assorted, ill-assorted)
(transitive) to arrange or distribute into groups of the same type; classify
(intransitive) usually foll by with. to fit or fall into a class or group; match
(transitive) to supply with an assortment of merchandise
(transitive) to put in the same category as others; group
(rare) (intransitive) usually foll by with. to keep company; consort

“arranged in sorts,” 1797, past participle adjective from assort (v.).

late 15c., “to distribute into groups,” from Middle French assortir (15c.), from Old French assorter “to assort, match,” from a- “to” (see ad-) + sorte “kind” (see sort). Related: Assorted; assorting.

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