
to beat persistently or hard; pound repeatedly.
to damage by beating or hard usage:
Rough roads had battered the car. High winds were battering the coast.
to deal heavy, repeated blows; pound steadily:
continuing to batter at the front door.

a damaged area on the face of type or plate.
the resulting defect in print.

a mixture of flour, milk or water, eggs, etc., beaten together for use in cookery.
to coat with batter.
a player who swings a bat or whose turn it is to bat, as in baseball or cricket.
(of the face of a wall or the like) to slope backward and upward.
a backward and upward slope of the face of a wall or the like.
Contemporary Examples

Paschal’s soul food spot has all the usual staples but the fried chicken (the batter is a super Atlanta secret) is a standout.
Delayed? The Best Airport Restaurants to Eat at This Thanksgiving Brandy Zadrozny November 26, 2013

Every batter, it’s a fastball for a strike or pop-up, then a change-up for a ground out.
Will the Real Jim Palmer Please Stand Up Tom Boswell September 26, 2014

In a small, lightly buttered pan over medium heat, spoon ¼-cupfuls of batter.
Cat Cora’s Valentine’s Day Menu for Single People Cat Cora February 12, 2014

With the bases loaded, the ultimately rational Palmer always throws every pitch at a corner–even with three balls on the batter.
Will the Real Jim Palmer Please Stand Up Tom Boswell September 26, 2014

Add 2-3 tablespoons of batter, quickly tip the pan so the batter runs over the surface to make a thin pancake.
Shrove Tuesday Feast Lydia Brownlow March 7, 2011

Historical Examples

It is difficult for a stranger to get used to this batter, but once used to it he will prefer it to water.
Life On The Mississippi, Complete Mark Twain (Samuel Clemens)

And he was both to batter it down, for he still had the gambler’s faith in his luck.
The Spenders Harry Leon Wilson

Certainly it did seem as if some one was trying to batter his way out.
The Motor Boys Over the Rockies Clarence Young

Then mix it gradually with cold water till it becomes a batter.
Directions for Cookery, in its Various Branches Eliza Leslie

Of all manner (de toute maniere) I bet forty dollars that she batter in jumping no matter which frog of the country of Calaveras.’
The Man That Corrupted Hadleyburg and Other Stories Mark Twain (Samuel Clemens)

to hit (someone or something) repeatedly using heavy blows, as with a club or other heavy instrument; beat heavily
(transitive; often passive) to damage or injure, as by blows, heavy wear, etc
(transitive) (social welfare) to subject (a person, esp a close relative living in the same house) to repeated physical violence
(transitive) to subject (a person, opinion, or theory) to harsh criticism; attack
a mixture of flour, eggs, and milk, used to make cakes, pancakes, etc, and to coat certain foods before frying
(sport) a player who bats
the slope of the face of a wall that recedes gradually backwards and upwards
(intransitive) to have such a slope
a spree or debauch

“strike repeatedly, beat violently and rapidly,” early 14c., from Old French batre “to beat, strike” (11c., Modern French battre “to beat, to strike”), from Latin battuere “to beat, strike,” an old word in Latin, but almost certainly borrowed from Gaulish, from PIE root *bhau- “to strike” (cf. Welsh bathu “beat;” Old English beadu “battle,” beatan “to beat,” bytl “hammer, mallet”). Began to be widely used 1962 in reference to domestic abuse. Related: Battered; battering. Battering-ram is an ancient weapon (Latin aries), but the word attested only from 1610s.

“flour, eggs, and milk beaten together,” late 14c., from Old French batteure “a beating,” from Latin battuere “to beat, knock” (see batter (v.)).

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