
by guess and by god

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  • Guess

    to arrive at or commit oneself to an opinion about (something) without having sufficient evidence to support the opinion fully: to guess a person’s weight. to estimate or conjecture about correctly: to guess what a word means. to think, believe, or suppose: I guess I can get there in time. to form an estimate or […]

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    by gum, (used as a mild oath). noun any of various sticky substances that exude from certain plants, hardening on exposure to air and dissolving or forming viscous masses in water any of various products, such as adhesives, that are made from such exudates any sticky substance used as an adhesive; mucilage; glue (NZ) short […]

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    the upper part of the body in humans, joined to the trunk by the neck, containing the brain, eyes, ears, nose, and mouth. the corresponding part of the body in other animals. the head considered as the center of the intellect, as of thought, memory, understanding, or emotional control; mind; brain: She has a good […]

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