
[koh-awr-dn-ey-shuh n] /koʊˌɔr dnˈeɪ ʃən/

the act or state of or of being .
proper order or relationship.
harmonious combination or interaction, as of functions or parts.
balanced and effective interaction of movement, actions, etc

also co-ordination, c.1600, “orderly combination,” from French coordination (14c.) or directly from Late Latin coordinationem (nominative coordinatio), noun of action from past participle stem of Latin coordinare “to set in order, arrange,” from com- “together” (see com-) + ordinatio “arrangement,” from ordo “order” (see order (n.)). Meaning “action of setting in order” is from 1640s; that of “harmonious adjustment or action,” especially of muscles and bodily movements, is from 1855.

coordination co·or·di·na·tion (kō-ôr’dn-ā’shən)

The use of grammatical structures to give equal emphasis to, or to “coordinate,” two or more words, groups of words, or ideas: “I like eggs and toast.” In the following sentences, each clause receives equal emphasis: “Mr. Jones teaches French, and Ms. Williams teaches English”; “Mr. Jones teaches French, but Ms. Williams teaches English.” (Compare subordination.)

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