Dust someone off

verb phrase

To pitch a ball at or close to the batter; brushback (1920s+ Baseball)

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  • Dust something off

    verb phrase (also dust the cobwebs off) To use or reuse something old; reclaim something: Why don’t we dust off a few of the good ideas our parents had?/ Hey, let’s dust the cobwebs off the Declaration of Independence and take it seriously (1940s+)

  • Dust-storm

    noun 1. a storm of strong winds and dust-filled air over an extensive area during a period of drought over normally arable land (distinguished from ). noun 1. a windstorm that whips up clouds of dust

  • Dustup

    [duhst-uhp] /ˈdʌstˌʌp/ noun 1. a quarrel; argument; row. n. “fight,” 1897, from dust + up; perhaps from dust “confusion, disturbance” (1590s). To dust (someone’s) coat was ironical for “to beat (someone) soundly” (1680s). noun A quarrel or fight; altercation; scrap: a big dustup in the office of a vice-president (1897+)

  • Dust-up

    noun 1. a quarrel, fight, or argument verb 2. (transitive, adverb) to attack or assault (someone)

  • Dust-well

    noun 1. a hollow in the surface of a glacier, formed by the melting action of dust or soil deposits.

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