
[en-klohz] /ɛnˈkloʊz/

verb (used with object), enclosed, enclosing.
to shut or hem in; close in on all sides:
a valley enclosed by tall mountains.
to surround, as with a fence or wall:
to enclose land.
to insert in the same envelope, package, or the like:
He enclosed a check. A book was sent with the bill enclosed.
to hold or contain:
His letter enclosed a check.
Roman Catholic Church.

verb (transitive)
to close; hem in; surround
to surround (land) with or as if with a fence
to put in an envelope or wrapper, esp together with a letter
to contain or hold

early 14c., from en- (1) + close, and partially from Old French enclos, past participle of enclore.

Specific sense of “to fence in waste or common ground” for the purpose of cultivation or to give it to private owners, is from c.1500. Meaning “place a document with a letter for transmission” is from 1707. Related: Enclosed; enclosing.

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