
[ek-skuhl-peyt, ik-skuhl-peyt] /ˈɛk skʌlˌpeɪt, ɪkˈskʌl peɪt/

verb (used with object), exculpated, exculpating.
to clear from a charge of guilt or fault; free from blame; vindicate.
/ˈɛkskʌlˌpeɪt; ɪkˈskʌlpeɪt/
(transitive) to free from blame or guilt; vindicate or exonerate

1715, noun of action from exculpate.

1650s, from Medieval Latin exculpatus, past participle of exculpare, from Latin ex culpa, from ex “from” (see ex-) + culpa ablative of culpa “blame, fault.” Related: Exculpated; exculpating.

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