
[ek-ser-sahyz] /ˈɛk sərˌsaɪz/

bodily or mental exertion, especially for the sake of training or improvement of health:
Walking is good exercise.
something done or performed as a means of practice or training:
exercises for the piano.
a putting into action, use, operation, or effect:
the exercise of caution.
a written composition, musical piece, or artistic work executed for practice or to illustrate a particular aspect of technique.
Often, exercises. a traditional ceremony:
graduation exercises.
a religious observance or service.
verb (used with object), exercised, exercising.
to put through exercises, or forms of practice or exertion, designed to train, develop, condition, or the like:
to exercise a horse.
to put (faculties, rights, etc.) into action, practice, or use:
to exercise freedom of speech.
to use or display in one’s action or procedure:
to exercise judgment.
to make use of (one’s privileges, powers, etc.):
to exercise one’s constitutional rights.
to discharge (a function); perform:
to exercise the duties of one’s office.
to have as an effect:
to exercise an influence on someone.
to worry; make uneasy; annoy:
to be much exercised about one’s health.
verb (used without object), exercised, exercising.
to go through exercises; take bodily exercise.
verb (mainly transitive)
to put into use; employ: to exercise tact
(intransitive) to take exercise or perform exercises; exert one’s muscles, etc, esp in order to keep fit
to practise using in order to develop or train: to exercise one’s voice
to perform or make proper use of: to exercise one’s rights
to bring to bear; exert: to exercise one’s influence
(often passive) to occupy the attentions of, esp so as to worry or vex: to be exercised about a decision
(military) to carry out or cause to carry out, manoeuvres, simulated combat operations, etc
physical exertion, esp for the purpose of development, training, or keeping fit
mental or other activity or practice, esp in order to develop a skill
a set of movements, questions, tasks, etc, designed to train, improve, or test one’s ability in a particular field: piano exercises
a performance or work of art done as practice or to demonstrate a technique
the performance of a function; discharge: the exercise of one’s rights, the object of the exercise is to win
(sometimes pl) (military) a manoeuvre or simulated combat operation carried out for training and evaluation
(usually pl) (US & Canadian) a ceremony or formal routine, esp at a school or college: opening exercises, graduation exercises
(gymnastics) a particular type of event, such as performing on the horizontal bar

mid-14c., “condition of being in active operation; practice for the sake of training,” from Old French exercice (13c.) “exercise, execution of power; physical or spiritual exercise,” from Latin exercitium “training, exercise,” from exercitare, frequentative of exercere “keep busy, drive on,” literally “remove restraint,” from ex- “off” (see ex-) + arcere “keep away, prevent, enclose,” from PIE *ark- “to hold, contain, guard” (see arcane).

Original sense may have been driving farm animals to the field to plow. Meaning “physical activity” first recorded in English late 14c.; in reference to written schoolwork from early 17c. The ending was abstracted for formations such as dancercise (1967); jazzercise (1977); and boxercise (1985).

late 14c., “to employ, put into active use,” from exercise (n.); originally “to make use of;” also in regard to mental and spiritual training; sense of “engage in physical activity” is from 1650s. Related: Exercised; exercises; exercising.

exercise ex·er·cise (ěk’sər-sīz’)
Active bodily exertion performed to develop or maintain fitness.

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