Fast burner

noun phrase

A person whose success is rapid; ball of fire (1970s+ Army)

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  • Fatherless

    [fah-th er-lis] /ˈfɑ ðər lɪs/ adjective 1. not having a living father: a fatherless boy. 2. not having a known or legally responsible father. /ˈfɑːðəlɪs/ adjective 1. having no father adj. Old English fæderleas; see father (n.) + -less.

  • Fatherly

    [fah-th er-lee] /ˈfɑ ðər li/ adjective 1. of, like, or befitting a . adverb 2. Obsolete. in the manner of a . /ˈfɑːðəlɪ/ adjective 1. of, resembling, or suitable to a father adj. Old English fæderlic; see from father (n.) + -ly (1).

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    A title given to George Washington in recognition of his military leadership in the Revolutionary War and his service as first president under the Constitution.

  • Father of the chapel

    noun 1. (in British trade unions in the publishing and printing industries) a shop steward FoC

  • Father of the house

    noun 1. (in Britain) the longest-serving member of the House of Commons

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