
[fawr-juh-ree, fohr-] /ˈfɔr dʒə ri, ˈfoʊr-/

noun, plural forgeries.
the crime of falsely making or altering a writing by which the legal rights or obligations of another person are apparently affected; simulated signing of another person’s name to any such writing whether or not it is also the name.
the production of a spurious work that is claimed to be genuine, as a coin, a painting, or the like.
something, as a coin, a work of art, or a writing, produced by forgery.
an act of producing something .
Archaic. invention; artifice.
noun (pl) -geries
the act of reproducing something for a deceitful or fraudulent purpose
something forged, such as a work of art or an antique
(criminal law)

(criminal law) the counterfeiting of a seal or die with intention to defraud

1570s, “a thing made fraudulently,” from forge (n.) + -ery. Meaning “act of counterfeiting” is 1590s.

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