
[fyoo r-ee-uh s] /ˈfyʊər i əs/

full of , violent passion, or rage; extremely angry; enraged:
He was furious about the accident.
intensely violent, as wind or storms.
of unrestrained energy, speed, etc.:
furious activity.
extremely angry or annoyed; raging
violent, wild, or unrestrained, as in speed, vigour, energy, etc

1550s, from furious + -ly (2).

late 14c., from Old French furieus (14c., Modern French furieux), from Latin furiosus “full of rage, mad,” from furia “rage, passion, fury.” Furioso, from the Italian form of the word, was used in English 17c.-18c. for “an enraged person,” probably from Ariosto’s “Orlando Furioso.”
see: fast and furious

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