Give someone a hand

verb phrase

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  • Give someone a hard time

    verb phrase

  • Give someone a hotfoot

    verb phrase

  • Give someone a jump

    verb phrase To do the sex act to or with; boff, screw: went in a bedroom there with the broad, gave her a jump (1980s+)

  • Give someone a miss

    verb phrase To avoid; not opt for •The go-by variant is attested from the mid-1600s: Give these girls a miss/ become fed up with a slang phrase and resolve to give it the go-by in the future [first form 1919+, second 1659+; miss form is fr billiards]

  • Give someone a pain

    verb phrase (Variations: in the neck or in the ass may be added) To be distasteful, repellent, tedious, etc: That guy gives me a royal pain in the neck/ one of those bragging polymath types who gave everybody a ass (entry form 1891+, neck 1921+, ass 1940s+)

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