
[gob-uh l] /ˈgɒb əl/

verb (used with object), gobbled, gobbling.
to swallow or eat hastily or hungrily in large pieces; gulp.
to seize upon eagerly (often followed by up):
After being gone for so long, they gobbled up all the local news.
verb (used without object), gobbled, gobbling.
to eat hastily.
[gob-uh l] /ˈgɒb əl/
verb (used without object), gobbled, gobbling.
to make the characteristic throaty cry of a male turkey.
the cry itself.
when tr, often foll by up. to eat or swallow (food) hastily and in large mouthfuls
(informal) (transitive) often foll by up. to snatch
the loud rapid gurgling sound made by male turkeys
an imitation of this sound
(intransitive) (of a turkey) to make this sound

“eat greedily,” c.1600, probably partly echoic, partly frequentative of gob, via gobben “drink something greedily.” Related: Gobbled; gobbling.

“make a turkey noise,” 1670s, probably imitative, perhaps influenced by gobble (1) or gargle. As a noun from 1781.



1. To consume, usually used with “up”. “The output spy gobbles characters out of a tty output buffer.”
2. To obtain, usually used with “down”. “I guess I’ll gobble down a copy of the documentation tomorrow.”
See also snarf.
[Jargon File]

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