
[greg-uh-rahyn, -er-in] /ˈgrɛg əˌraɪn, -ər ɪn/

a type of sporozoan parasite that inhabits the digestive and other cavities of various invertebrates and produces cysts filled with spores.
having the characteristics of or pertaining to a gregarine or gregarines.
/ˈɡrɛɡəˌriːn; -rɪn/
any parasitic protozoan of the order Gregarinida, typically occurring in the digestive tract and body cavity of other invertebrates: phylum Apicomplexa (sporozoans)
of, relating to, or belonging to the Gregarinida

gregarine greg·a·rine (grěg’ə-rīn’)
Any of various sporozoan protozoans of the order Gregarinida that are parasitic within the digestive tracts of various invertebrates. adj.
Of or belonging to the order Gregarinida.
greg’a·rin’i·an (-rĭn’ē-ən) adj.

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