
[hi-mat-oh-poi-ee-sis, hee-muh-toh-, hem-uh-] /hɪˌmæt oʊ pɔɪˈi sɪs, ˈhi mə toʊ-, ˌhɛm ə-/

the formation of blood.

hematopoiesis he·ma·to·poi·e·sis (hē’mə-tō-poi-ē’sĭs, hĭ-māt’ə-) or he·mo·poi·e·sis (hē’mə-)
The formation of blood or blood cells in the living body. Also called hematogenesis, sanguification.
he’ma·to·poi·et’ic (-ět’ĭk) adj.

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