
[hee-muh-stat, hem-uh-] /ˈhi məˌstæt, ˈhɛm ə-/

an instrument or agent used to compress or treat bleeding vessels in order to arrest hemorrhage.

hemostat he·mo·stat (hē’mə-stāt’)

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    [hee-muh-stat-ik, hem-uh-] /ˌhi məˈstæt ɪk, ˌhɛm ə-/ adjective, Medicine/Medical. 1. arresting hemorrhage, as a drug; styptic. 2. pertaining to stagnation of the blood. noun 3. a hemostatic agent or substance. hemostatic he·mo·stat·ic (hē’mə-stāt’ĭk) adj. n. A hemostatic device or agent.

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