
[ahn-drey-uh s] /ɑnˈdreɪ əs/ (Show IPA), 1767–1810, Tyrolese patriot.
Contemporary Examples

But Hofer’s studies also found that specific interventions helped with their separation distress.
The Science of Breakups Amir Levine, Rachel Heller August 2, 2011

Historical Examples

She begged her not to read too late, and went out, promising to conciliate the offended Mrs. Hofer.
Ancestors Gertrude Atherton

Hofer and I started for a point on the brink of the caon where we could have a better view.
Camping with President Roosevelt John Burroughs

Hofer and Gwynne went to the front of the box, glasses in hand.
Ancestors Gertrude Atherton

The task that Hofer and his companions set themselves was no easy one.
Tyrol and its People Clive Holland

For the first time in her life she flirted desperately, and with others besides young Hofer.
Ancestors Gertrude Atherton

It was in these men that Hofer found his greatest allies and ablest assistants.
Tyrol and its People Clive Holland

Washington was both; Kosciusko was neither; neither was Hofer.
The Best of the World’s Classics, Vol. V (of X) – Great Britain and Ireland III Various

Hofer declined to have his eyes bandaged; neither would he kneel.
Tyrol and its People Clive Holland

After that she felt better and sat down to read a letter from Mrs. Hofer that awaited her.
Ancestors Gertrude Atherton

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