
[hom-ij, om-] /ˈhɒm ɪdʒ, ˈɒm-/

respect or reverence paid or rendered:
In his speech he paid homage to Washington and Jefferson.
the formal public acknowledgment by which a feudal tenant or vassal declared himself to be the man or vassal of his lord, owing him fealty and service.
the relation thus established of a vassal to his lord.
something done or given in acknowledgment or consideration of the worth of another:
a Festschrift presented as an homage to a great teacher.
a public show of respect or honour towards someone or something (esp in the phrases pay or do homage to)
(in feudal society)

verb (transitive)
(archaic or poetic) to render homage to

late 13c., from Old French homage (12c., Modern French hommage) “allegiance or respect for one’s feudal lord,” from homme “man,” from Latin homo (genitive hominis) “man” (see homunculus). Figurative sense of “reverence, honor shown” is from late 14c. As a verb, from 1590s (agent noun homager is from c.1400).

Under feudalism, the personal submission of a vassal to a lord, by which the vassal pledged to serve the lord and the lord to protect the vassal.

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