
[verb hahy-fuh-neyt; adjective, noun hahy-fuh-nit, -neyt] /verb ˈhaɪ fəˌneɪt; adjective, noun ˈhaɪ fə nɪt, -ˌneɪt/

verb (used with object), hyphenated, hyphenating.
to join by a .
to write or divide with a .
of or relating to something of distinct form or origin that has been joined; connected by a .
Informal. a person working or excelling in more than one craft or occupation:
He’s a film-industry hyphenate, usually listed as a writer-director-producer.
(transitive) to separate (syllables, words, etc) with a hyphen

1881, from hyphen + -ate (2). The earlier verb was simply hyphen (1814). Related: Hyphenated; hyphenating. Hyphenated American is attested from 1889.

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