
[joo-buh] /ˈdʒu bə/

a lively dance accompanied by rhythmic hand clapping, developed by plantation slaves of the U.S.
[joo-bah] /ˈdʒu bɑ/
a female day name for Monday.
See under .
[joo-bah] /ˈdʒu bɑ/
a river in E Africa, flowing S from S Ethiopia through Somalia to the Indian Ocean. 1000 miles (1609 km) long.
Italian Giuba stop.
a city in S Sudan, on the White Nile.
(formerly, especially in creole-speaking cultures) a name given at birth to a black child, in accordance with African customs, indicating the child’s sex and the day of the week on which he or she was born, as the male and female names for Sunday (Quashee and Quasheba) Monday (Cudjo or Cudjoe and Juba) Tuesday (Cubbena and Beneba) Wednesday (Quaco and Cuba or Cubba) Thursday (Quao and Abba) Friday (Cuffee or Cuffy and Pheba or Phibbi) and Saturday (Quamin or Quame and Mimba)
a lively African-American dance developed in the southern US
a river in NE Africa, rising in S central Ethiopia and flowing south across Somalia to the Indian Ocean: the chief river of Somalia. Length: about 1660 km (1030 miles)
the capital of South Sudan, on the White Nile river. Pop: 250 000 (2006 est)
(W African) a name indicating a person’s day of birth

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